Erasmus+ project, Youngs4EuropeHeritage 2023-1-PT02-KA154-YOU-000125012

Erasmus + project 2023-1-PT02-KA154-YOU-000125012
Project title: “Youth thoughts about Europe heritage”

or “Youngs4EuropeHeritage”
28 November – 03 December 2023 in Guimarães (PORTUGAL)


Download information sheet Youngs4EuropeHeritage-TEMPLATE

The Eramus+ 2023-1-PT02-KA154-YOU-000125012 youth participation activities project was developed under the „KA154-YOU” program of the Portuguese National Erasmus Agency and promoted by the AJME – ASSOCIAÇÃO JUVENIL MEMÓRIA EUROPEIA (Portugal). The event took place between November 28 and December 3 in Guimarães, with a total of 40 young people from Porto (Portugal) and seven European cities: Tar (Hungary), Kelme (Lithuania), Teo (Spain), Castelmola (Italy), Kamionka Wielka (Poland), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Marsa (Malta). Its aim was to provide participants with the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills and various forms of knowledge about cultural heritage, in accordance with the principles of non-formal and informal education.

The program began with an „intercultural dinner”, which provided an opportunity to get to know the cuisine and traditions of the different countries. On the second day, it continued with an interactive workshop on the „European Youth Strategy”, at Guimarães Town Hall, followed by a study visit to Citânia de Briteiros. On the third day, the youth group traveled to Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia for a cultural tour. The following day, they attended a lecture at the Paço dos Duques de Bragança entitled „Rethinking Heritage in the 21st Century”, with a guided tour of the monument, followed by an afternoon dedicated to discovering the city, culminating in a visit to the Casa da Memória. Finally, the penultimate day was reserved for a cultural visit to Braga and its historical heritage.

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